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Friday, April 4

9am - 1pm


Has your child always wanted to learn to sew? Not quite sure how to get started? Have no fear, we've got you covered with one-day Sewing Camp!


No prior sewing experience is necessary. It's ideal for kids between 8 years and 14 years old who would like to learn to sew and stitch and/or who already have an established desire for sewing, design and crafts. Ludmila Popova – a sewing expert and teacher will guide you to the Magic of Sewing with The Green Needle! At the end of the day, you will know how to operate a sewing machine and hand stitching; repurpose T-shirt, and to create a fun game to play with your family and friends!

What you'll learn

Know how to use a sewing machine and iron safely.

Identify the parts of a sewing machine.

Thread a sewing machine and wind a bobbin correctly.

Practice basic stitching skills creating corners and curving lines.

How to sew 3 different basic stitches on a sewing machine

Hand sewing techniques (buttonhole stitch, button attachment)

To make games for family and friends.

And much more!


Complete 4 creative projects from start to finish:1. Drawstring Bag2. Self – made games for family adn friends3. Denim Key Holder4. Restyling T-shirt


The students will be supplied with materials for the projects, thread, sewing equipment andtools.

PD Day Kids Sewing Camp - April 4

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